unit trust fund

Dynamics of Unit Trust Funds: A Path to Diversified Investment

Unit Trust Fund, commonly known as Unit Trusts, pools money from investors to diversify into assets like stocks, bonds, and securities. They are popular investment vehicles for individuals looking to diversify their portfolios while having professional management of their funds. This article delves into the core aspects of unit trusts, including their structure, benefits, risks, and how they compare to other investment options.

What is a Unit Trust Fund?

A unit trust is a type of mutual fund established under a trust deed. The fund is managed by professional fund managers who are part of a management company. These managers make investment decisions on behalf of the unit holders. The investments are diversified across a broad range of assets to minimise risk. The value of the fund is divided into units, and investors purchase these units. The value of each unit fluctuates based on the performance of the underlying assets.

Structure and Operation

Unit trusts are set up under a trust deed, with a trustee overseeing the operation to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and to protect the interests of investors. The fund manager’s role is to make strategic investment decisions, aiming to generate positive returns for the investors. Investors can typically buy or sell units in the fund at the current market value, which is usually calculated daily.

Types of Unit Trust Funds

  • Equity Funds: These funds invest primarily in stocks and aim for capital growth. They are suitable for investors with a higher risk tolerance.
  • Bond Funds: These focus on investments in government or corporate bonds and are generally lower risk than equity funds.
  • Balanced Funds: These mix both stocks and bonds, offering a moderate risk level.
  • Money Market Funds: These are low-risk funds investing in short-term debt securities.

Benefits of Investing in Unit Trusts

  • Diversification: Unit trusts invest in a range of assets, spreading the risk.
  • Professional Management: Fund managers have the expertise to make informed investment decisions.
  • Liquidity: Units can usually be easily bought and sold.
  • Accessibility: They provide access to a diversified portfolio with a relatively small amount of capital.

Risks and Considerations

  • Market Risk: The value of investments can go down as well as up.
  • Management Risk: Fund performance depends on the fund manager’s skill.
  • Costs: Fees and charges can affect the net return on investments.

Unit Trusts vs. Other Investment Options

Unit trusts differ from direct stock investments and other forms of mutual funds. Direct stock investments involve buying shares of individual companies, which requires more knowledge and time for research. Other mutual funds, like exchange-traded funds (ETFs), are traded like stocks and can offer lower fees, but they might not have the same level of active management.


Unit Trust Funds offer a practical solution for investors looking to diversify their portfolio through a professionally managed, collective investment scheme. They are suitable for a range of investors, from those looking for growth to those seeking stability. However, like any investment, they carry risks, and potential investors should conduct thorough research and consider their own financial goals and risk tolerance before investing. With their flexibility and range of options, unit trusts continue to be a popular choice for investors worldwide.